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Home Actualités AND NOW, THE END IS NEAR AND SO ….



Many of us know those very first words of the song made famous by Frank Sinatra and Paul Anka. The lyrics of the song are popularly associated with nostalgia to an individual's lifetime of events. And, so, my message to you will come as no surprise: my time at Cazander is over. From 1 January 2024 I will no longer be an active member of the Cazander team. However, we go back together such a long time, there will always be a bond between us.

In 2000 I joined the company without any knowledge of can making and its background. Cazander, solid but with only a small workforce, required versatile staff members. I started as a secretary that also performed some minor logistical assignments. As the company grew, worldwide logistics became my core task with translation work second. As Cazander acquired more and more decommissioning and loading projects abroad, I was asked to represent the company as intermediary between our engineers and the host company on several occasions.

In 23 years, the team has evolved and flourished and became a well-liked partner for many tin can making and printing companies around the world, and I am proud to have been part of the process. The small, family run business that I joined years ago, turned out to be a fantastic global player in this industry. The market is ever expanding and Cazander is on top of it!

I thank all the partners I have worked with over the years: the customers, the transport companies, the technical teams. It was a pleasure to be in touch with you, help each other out, learn from each other. And, of course, I thank the Cazander team for all those years of good cooperation with collegiality beyond expectations. Your way and my way blended well

Christa Graafland


Christa Graafland
Christa Graafland

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